Sunday 10 December 2017

Svalbard 2015-10: Alkhornet on Spitzbergen & Swim 4 ~ AKA the Polar Plunge @ >78 Degrees North

Day 12: July 10th ~ A Hike on Alkhornet & a Chilly* Dip
The 1st pic of the day thru my porthole
I woke before 8 & took the 1st photo of the day without leaving my cabin - see right.

I then went up to the bridge before b/fast, but Gary wouldn't let me take any photos from there, so I braved the chill & went on the top deck for a while.
The mountains of Spitzbergen from PP's top deck

As is this

My notes say I had breakfast with Janette, Michael, Tony, Carmel, & Jenny, that we talked politics & religion.

Oooer! ! ! 

After breakfast I went back on deck for a while ~ photoing & whale watching, & then we all piled into the lecture room for Heidi's lecture about Svalbard plants.

Dobby on deck. She was a great smiler :-D

After that, although it was still a dull & misty morning, most of us were on deck clicking away.
Red sky in the morning, Shepherd's warning?
The Ruzeski brothers, Jay & Scott

Very calm seas .  .  .

With barely a swell

Carol mid-flow about Svalbard trapping

My notes say Carol's lecture at 1100 was 
interesting, & spoke of decimating the whale population, killing walrus for their oil & trapping foxes & bear for fur.
Bloody, greedy, humans :-( 

Not good, eh?
It's not a finger, but I know not what!

Then it was lunch, but no notes about who with, or what we talked about!

After lunch was over I went back on deck for more pics of calm seas, misty mountains & hungry Auks.
Fishing Alcids of some sort

It must be easier with no waves?

Eventually, the PP reached her destination & anchored, & we were called to the zodiacs for our Alkhornet hike.
A bit of colour amidst the sea mist
as we head landwards

Stephen was at the helm of my zodiac, & Dave the chef was also aboard. 
That's him on the left.
The blue PP dead astern

We were well wrapped-up against the cold
This would change!

Andy helping other PP-ers up the slope

Once we had all congregated at the top of the slope, we were offered a choice of 3 hikes.
I chose a longer one with Stephen & Heidi.
A tufted saxifrage? ? ?

My 1st reindeer pic. Cute or what?

Not sure if this is Mum or Dad?
Lady reindeer have antlers, too

Not a clue what this is,
but it would look good in my kitchen!

I think this used to be a reindeer shin?

A pretty mound of purple flowers

& some white ones

Orange lichen

Heidi reckoned this was an Arctic fox jaw

Zoomed reindeer on July snow

Baby takes a breather

A triangular peak reminiscent of the Eiger

Not much green grass for the reindeer here!
The PP is the blob in the background

There follows a lot of reindeer pics .  .  . 

You'd think they'd get cold bums?

No idea, but they're pretty

This has been the flower duet! (Apologies to Delibes ;-p )
More reindeer due .  .  .

This is where I'd taken the reindeer pics.
As you can see, they'd been well zoomed

I make Christmas cards every year from my own photos.
Maybe Alkhornet's Rudolphs etc. could be next year's
Stars On The Cards???

Young Henry (I think) examining fluff.
By this point, many of us had cast off
our warmest outer layers

I think (from my notes) this is Whitlow Grass, but don't quote me!
One of the few bits of green to be seen!

Stephen on bear look-out duty

It really was warm enough for T-shirts.
You can see the big blue Aurora jackets round our waists

Dad, Sean, taking a rest after running
around in the sun with all the lads

My notes say this is the northern Jacob's-ladder.
Um? Where are the rungs?
Maybe Northern pixie's don't need ladders?

Not a bloomin' clue!  & Yes ~ that was a pun ;-p

This Mum hasn't got big antlers
My notes mention things like Knot Weed, Mouse-eared Chickweed, & Woolly Louse Wort.

As Smeagol would say, these are not very nice names, Precious, but the notes mean I showed Heidi the pics & she identified them. 

Sadly, my hieroglyphics don't say which are which - Um?

A herd between us & the sea .  .  .

& another between us & the mountain

It was mid-July, but the snow was still
in the valleys

This one's beak leads me to think it's a skua?
They don't look as brown as the ones I saw on Hermaness

Sitting on eggs?

One of the Koreans who was unaware he was pretty close,
& wouldn't really need that enormous lens!

A reindeer wearing shades ;-)

I lay down to stabilse the max zoom for this

Zodiacs await

The sea was still very calm .  .  .

& we had a smooth ride back to the PP
I was on Robyn's zodiac on the way back, & it was easier to take photos than usual, as there was virtually no swell.

The big splash as I dive in at 78 degrees norrth
Back in my cabin (tag turned so it was clear I was back aboard), I changed into the bikini for the Polar Plunge.
We were supposed to swim out to the zodiac, & Gary & his camera
Some peeps never made it

The wee Aus lads were keen to go 1st, but one kept dipping his toe in & bottling it, & he took 5 or so goes before he made it in.
The notes say 25 peeps Polar Plunged, & I think Tony wielded my camera for me.

I chose to dive in off the steps, & there's a pic in the Aurora Expedition log to prove it  ;-p
A great shot of my awful screw-kick!

It wasn't as cold as I'd expected it to be.
In fact, I defo remember the sea at Kirkwall feeling colder as I walked in.

Clearly, diving's the way to go!  ;-)

Later on, some peeps were jumping in off the side of the ship rather than going in off the gangplank, & when I saw this, I was tempted to have another go, but I was nearly dry by that point, so passed.
Maybe next time ;-p ?
I did try & upload the certificate we all got, but blogger didn't like the server, so the paperwork remains unblogged.
Despite the latitude, it was warm enough
to hang around for >an hour in a bikini while
other peeps did their Polar Plunge

Afternoon tea today was coconut cake & coffee, & then I had a sauna, a shower & a sleep before heading to the bar where I sat & chatted with Jay, Scott & Tony before dinner.
I also started to read Jay's book he'd signed for Roy.
The ocean was still dead calm, so the vino stayed level in its glass at dinner when I sat with Robyn, Andy, Janette & Anne.
Taken after dinner as we headed north.
The water was still beautifully smooth .  .  .

At some point we were told we could submit photos for the Expedition Log, so I sat with Peter after dinner & used the ship's laptop to have a look at what I'd got on a bigger screen than the 1 on the Lumix.
I ended up submitting four, three of which made it. 
Considering I was using a point'n'shoot costing less than £200, I was/am well chuffed :-D
With barely a ripple marring the surface
The sea remained amazingly flat as we sailed north, & I kept bobbing out to see if anything photogenic was happening.
A photo at 0010 .  .  .

I eventually left the bar at 10 to midnight, but went up on deck to catch the midnight sun.

the seas still smooth & the sun still high 

A solitary soul watching the sun go down, but not set

Taken at 11 minutes past midnight

Another sunset selfie

I get Arty-Farty with a sunset shadow ;-)
It reminds me of the one from the Royal Clipper

The last pic of the day at 0017, & the sun is still
well off the horizon as we sail north to the ice

So endeth my 1st day on Svalbard. 
That's another off the bucket-list :-D
* That's chilly dip, not chili dip. I prefer guacamole, anyway ;-q