Monday 8 June 2020

On A Horse Round Etna: September 10th 2017: Day 1~ Ardichetto to Clan Dei Ragazzi

I meet my horse & some nice people, & then ride for >8 hours
Happy Donkey Tours had posted an itinerary for the Etna horse ride, & it advised I had to be at the stables for 0840 on the 10th.

Armando had offered to drive me to the stables ~ Scuderie Ardichetto. It was about 3 & a half K down to the south east of his house & took less than 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, a bloody dog woke me at 0430, & a crowing cock kept me from dropping back off completely after that, so I was up by 0715 & breakfasted on the balcony in the morning sun.
Lovely :-)
Before I left I decanted the rest of the Lipari zibibbo into a plastic bottle (I'd had a couple of glasses the night before). Then I took a pic of the empty bottle (so I have a record of its name), & when we went to get in the car at 10 past 8, I took my final ZE pic of a chestnut - not yet spiky.
The empty bottle of Lipari vino
At the stables I met the ride leader, Alessandro (AKA Ale), his partner Manuela & his son, Renaldo.
The other riders were 
Sabine from Germany who was to ride 8 year old Bernato, a small
Sicilian chesrnut opposite Armando's
chestnut; Irish Carol on Lulu, a lazy 5 year old; &  Valentina on old bay Crema: my notes say Crema was 23.
Ale's horse was Revisur, a tall chestnut youngster, & he was learning the ropes.

The fence wouldn't keep much in or out?

Ardichetto goat

While we waited I had a brief chat with Renaldo about kickboxing before we all mounted up & had a ride round the manege for 10 min. so Manuela & Ale could check we were safe.

My horse was a flea-bitten grey 6 year old called Sombra & she was great :-D
However, Ale warned me that she was freaky about the crackle of plastic bottles & said I should be careful when getting mine out of the saddle-bag.
We left the stables at 0855 & headed northish through the village streets. Just before we left the road, Ale stopped to scrimp apples from an overhanging branch & handed them out!
We turned right off the road & along a path to the trees

Carol didn't want one ;-)

Manuela sent me some photos after I returned to the UK, & when I uploaded the 'apple' pic, large gaps appeared in the blog, & the left justification wouldn't work.

Bizarre :-/
Please ignore the huge gaps!
After we left the road going up the hill, we headed into the woods were we meandered round trees & Sombra was very good about photography on the go :-)
Ale's in orange ahead with Sabine/Bernato

A Large dog & his family stop & watch
On the way, we provided entertainment for local dog walkers!
The oak, Ilice di Carrinu

After a bit we got to an 800 yr old holm oak, known locally as Ilice di Carrinu.
I took quite a few pics!

As I said, please ignore the mega gaps, changes of font size & dodgy justification!

We passed this little hut. A Charcoal Burner's?

We have a canter up the hill

Still cantering in the Sicilian sunshine

We left the woods & continued to ride uphill. 
It was great countryside for riding, & Sombra was smashing :-))
Tracks went across & up the old lava fields

Like I said - Up!

An old lava field reminded me of Mordor!

We climbed for quite a while & Lulu was always at the back

Some of the horses got spooked by the wild goats .  .  .

who were curious & followed us for a while

We provide entertainment for Etna ramblers as we rode by
OK. This weird gapping etc. every time I try & write what I've put in my notes is doing my frikkin head in, & I've spent hours fruitlessly trying to fix it :-( 
I'll just caption the pics & tell a condensed tale that way.
Hopefully the next blog will be OK??

You can see the lines where different tree species grew back at different speeds

Still climbing, we passed beehives .  .  .

& then we had a very long canter uphill

The track had lots of bends & Ale was out of sight!

Renaldo had brought the 4x4 to our lunch spot & had a picnic ready.
He'd also brought water for the horses & Sombra drank 2 buckets!

This is Ale & Renato (who chef'ed for us)
During lunch I shared the Zibibbo with Carol (hic ;-p )

We had pizza, pasta, sundried tomatoes & other
wonderfully tasty Sicilan food .  .  .

with coffee to finish. Very civilised :-)

Ale gets us ready for the off & the birches were wonderful

The beautiful birches grow back quickly, & my notes say
we rode through a mixture of broadleaf & conifer woods

Once out of the woods we climb the lava hills

I think we rode up that slope & passed the tree 1/2 way up

In the curves of the craters, different stages of grow-back were apparent

Lazy Lulu was always at the back, but the photo shows the conifers
were the 1st trees to recover after an eruption's devastation

There was weird fungal growth on the lava & it was getting chilly up there

The horse's tails show how windy it was, but happily it
was from behind most of the way, so no dust in our eyes

Many tracks followed the edge of craters. My notes say we "went up to the
craters from the 1865 eruption & crossed the lava field from the 2002 one"

The lump on the horizon is a fumarole

Looking right, we seemed to be on top of the world ~ until we
looked left at the mountain above us

We descend the edge of a crater & leave hoofprints in the lava dust

Manuela sent this of 2 of us taking photos from horseback!

According to Sombra's shadow, we were
headed northwesterly (ish)

Lazy Lulu at the back provides some
perspective for the steepness
 .  .  .

as do the others on the crest of the crater

Having ridden up a crater, we had to ride down again! ;-)
You can see the track in front of Ale is well trodden

This bit was hard for the horses: the lava
was very sharp

We pause while Ale takes a group pic which Manuela sent. From L are:
Valentina & Crema, Sabine & Bernato, Carol & Lulu, & me on Sombra

We descend thhrough birches towards the Via Maraneve.  My notes say
say we crossed the road several times, & from Gmaps it is very wiggly.
The notes also mention Fornazzo Serra Buffa, but Gmaps can't find it

Ale does the honours with the gate on the other side .  .  .

where the conifer forest was very atmospheric

We came to a patch of snow & Revisor wasn't at all keen to cross

Lulu was even less keen so Ale got off to 'persuade' her!

In the next bit of forest the tree bark was amazing & reminiscent of the GoT Weirwoods      
We ride through a broom forest .  .  .

so I got a pretty pic for posterity. Don't you just love alliteration ;-)

I think this must be the Via Mareneve again, but don't quote me?

The track through the conifers was awesome :-))

We were descending quite steeply & nearly at our destination

There were patches of green beneath the tall dark conifers as we
approach the chalet through the trees from the south

After 8hr 35min, we arrive at the chalet Clan Dei Ragazzi .  .  .

& our horses get untacked, washed down, watered, fed, & put to bed

They tuck into their tea, having carried us from 0855 to 1730

Ale checks Sombra as he gives her food

It's great we were to spend the night at a B&B for horses ;-)

The finger is pointing at Ardichetto where we began,
& the black shadow at the top is where we ended

The chalet is 26K by road from Ardichetto, but we had takan a more
direct route by crossing the loops on the Via Maraneve.
This is the dining room, & our table is at the end

This is a painting of Etna on the chalet's chimney-breast. By now, Renato had brought the                            
4x4 to take Carol & Sabine back to Ardichetto: I was the only 
rider to be doing all 3 days.                           
With the other 2 girls gone, & my bag in my cute little room, I took a shower & washed my hair. Then I discovered I'd left my comb at Armando's - duh!  Getting the wind blown knots out with my fingers took ages :-/
It had been a long day, & wasn't over yet, but I lay on my bunk while my hair dried & wrote up some notes. Despite the Sicilian sunshine, it was quite chilly up there on the mountain, so I dressed & went down the windy wooden stairs to find there were 28 (loud) French ensconsed in the dining room watching a video. Then Ale & Valentina arrived (she was his daughter), & we ordered our dinner. 
Great :-)  I wasn't used to all that riding & bloody starving!
My notes say I had salmon & mushroom pasta, followed by "pork, burger, sausage, chop, courgette"! Red wine was also mentioned ;-p
It was a good job I was hungry, but nearly 2 years on, I don't actually remember eating. Thank goodness that the heiroglyphics have reminded me what I had: my camera was on charge behind the bar so there're no photos of dinner.
My heiroglypics also mention " Melchior & Balthazar +? ", but I have absolutely no idea why. 
I was pretty stiff & tired, so after a post-prandial chat with Ale & Valentina, I headed back up the wooden stairs & hit the sack.
To paraphrase Scarlett O'Hara, 'tomorrow was another day' in the saddle, &, according to Ale, it was to be even longer.