Friday 17 October 2014

Stonehenge: Summer Solstice 2012

I finally got to go to the solstice.

I drove down on the Tuesday after doing a morning at work. I only stopped twice: once for a petro/loo/brew stop on the M5, & then on the A303 at a cherry stall.

I'd seen a programme on the telly about the A303 & how it afforded a good first glimpse. He wasn't wrong. Once on the A344 I pulled up & took a few pics over & through the fencing. I was glad it was a good day & the weather showed it at it's best.
I noticed a lot of people 'doing the tour' were outside of an area fencing in the stones. I wasn't sure how close I'd be able to get the night following, but they were pretty impressive in the afternoon sunshine.

After a wander up & down to get these pics, I got back in & headed for Shrewton down the road west.
Here are some Shrewton trees. Shame one is sideways, but I can't figure out how to turn it on blogger.

The Manor House at Shrewton was full of cats. Not terrifically hygienic, but hey! I survived ;-)

I wanted to take the apricot kitten home, but when I came back from my trip to Salisbury on the Wednesday, someone else had taken her. Perhaps a good job, given Kuni's aversion to new folk in the house!

The apricot with Pteppic-like ears

See what I mean about hygiene!
 had a wander round the village after tea & found a Zumba class for Thursday morning!

After a long day & a long drive I hit the sack ~ complete with cat ;-p

I was up early to go & see Salisbury, taking the direct route down the A360, a picture of a nice little weir & trees.

I managed to find free parking for the day just out of the town centre, & did a bit of charity shop shopping. 
It appears there is a better class of charity shop down there ;-)

I also checked out the restaurants for the meal with Kim & Opkar later.

The Cathedral is lovely & has an awesome font. It's like an infinity swimming pool. 

There were some great trees there, too.

This is one of the cottages in Cathedral Sq.
I bought myself some goodies & a drink & sat down with a book in the little park near the car.

I got company after a while, but he/she didin't fancy the bit of banana I threw.
As you can see from the foot, he/she was quite close.

I wasn't meeting Kim & Opkar until after tea, so I took the scenic rout home around 4, washed & changed & back down for a lovely meal in sight of the spire.
I tried to persuade them to join me for the Solstice, but they had no wets with them, & rain was forecast.

Once back at Shrewton, on advice of the owners, I left the car & hitched in, getting picked up by 4 guys in a Transit.
The car park was already pretty full - by about 9.30pm, & not taking the car proved to be a good idea.

I'd packed a bottle in my little ruckie - wrapped in my wets, & managed to get it thru 'customs' at the gate. They had sniffer dogs, but they took no notice of me.

By the time I'd wandered past all the food & drink stalls it was much darker, & over by the stones there was a lot of music.

Inside the circle it was heaving & I did a couple of revolutions, getting nearer & nearer the middle.
Eventually I was there, & found a stone to climb on so I could see. There was a girl already up there ~ Sarah

I hung out with her for a bit, & then, at about half 12, went to find somewhere to lay my head.
Eventually I lay down in the lee of a fallen stone ~ having donned my quilted waterproof pants & an extra hoodie. I'd packed a waterproof picnic blanket which I wrapped round me & settled down for a few hours sleep in the rain.
Unfortunately, nothing was very waterproof at all, & by 0230 I gave up trying to sleep in the rain (nice idea, tho, eh?), & went for a wander.
This is me between 2 of the stones at about 0245
There were some peeps spinning light wands, & even with just 'night landscape' on, the camera managed a reasonable job :-)
Big stones!

As dawn wasn't too far off, I made a quick loo stop & got a hot drink (very expensive coffee in a small plastic cup), before heading out east to where Arthur Pendragon was officiating.
There were a few hand-fasts, some singing and poetry, and some new appointments of officials before Arthur got down to welcoming the new day / year.
Apologies for the blurry pics, but my hands were freezing (even tho it was midsummer's night) &  I was shivering a bit, & it was actually still pretty dark/not light at this point, despite it there being an apparently blue sky!
Once Arthur had done his stuff, I exited near the east end & walked west up a deserted A344 towards Shrewton. 

Just after the junction with the A360, a bloke from Warminster answered my thumb & dropped me off at Shrewton at about 10 to 6.

I put my head down for a few hours (Complete with cat!), then headed off to the village Zumba class. It was pretty staid, but woke me up a bit, at least.

Immediately afterwards I drove right over Salisbury Plain, following the white horse signs on my atlas, & suddenly found myself at Silbury Hill.
So I parked up & had a wander round, having remembered a prog on the telly about it being a man-made mound, & the excavations they did inside to try & find out what it was for.

As I had at Moeraki etc., I took pics of the info.
Unfortunately they're not very readable.

Maybe they would be if copied & pasted? ? ?

Anyway, anyone who's interested can google.

After about 1/2 hr I made my way to Avebury, & the pic is of Kennet Avenue with joins Avebury with the Sanctuary, a couple of miles away. There is also a big mid-summer celebration at Avebury, & all the roads leading in were coned-off. 
As I was pretty hungry I found a gateway into a field & parked up there while I ate I got some pics. Duly fed, it was back in the car to Marlborough where (according to colleague, Gill) there was a good cake shop :-q. More charity shops & a couple of cake shops later, I headed home for some proper food & more cats. Plus, as you can see - Sudoku too.

As I was due in work that afternoon, the next morning (Friday) I was on the road for 8ish, & went via Bath during rush hour ~ bad move :-(  However,the rest was fine, & me & my little blue car pulled into Warbreck House drive at just before 1215. Not bad for about 250 miles.
Not proofed this as off to Zumba in 10 min, so
OAO & apologies for typos

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