Saturday 15 December 2012

More Maori,Trees, Gardens & Rivers

After last evening's entertainment, I went for look (& sniff?) at some of the smellier places in Rotorua ;-) There was a big park near the digs, so I headed there.
On the way I found a steaming mud pool :-) & yes, it was smelly. But then so was Rotorua :-O
The big building is a museum & cafe, but the trees were nice & knobbly & Rachel's Spring's name in Maori begins with an F sound - Remember?

I went left round the back of the museum & found some Pukeko having a swim in a pool at the edge of the golf course. There were loads on the course, but they kept walking off when I tried a pic. Obviously want to keep their privacy ;-p 

 Down by the lake I saw the paddle steamer & little islands with birds on
 A cute little beach - but I wasn't in a bikini, so no could swim :-(
 This was my 1st sight of one of Rotorua's black swans.
 At this point, I didn't know about their white wings
 Then I found a shed with a massive war canoe in it.
 I did say it was massive!
 Unfortunately, there were no humans nearby to give it persepective
 Aren't they awesome?
 No idea why this one had her leg out of the water. Drying her nail varnish?
 Then I heard an engine noise & saw a sea plane taking off. I'd've liked a tour in it. Maybe next time? ? ? ? ?
 More black swans, but I can't remember what the little birds are - it's more than a year since I took these pics.
 Away from the lake I went to a Maori village. This was their church.
 And a monument of some sort right next to another steaming hole!
 This was their Marai. I spent frikkin ages waiting for the German walking off shot to stand up & move from where he's been sitting on the right by the big pole. Ignorant bugger.
 Tilt your head left to look at this tree! I forgot to rotate it before uploading - oops

Then I had a wander round town & found some more mud holes & blossoms
And it was very smelly :-o
OK - its now 15 12 12 & I'm just back from a Fred Olsen cruise & decided I should get my act together & catch up with the blogging.
And here's me with a Round Tuit on my lounge window-ledge!
You'd think I'd be better at getting round to it better than I have been, but my 2013 NY resolution is FINISH THE BLOG!
OAO - for now. Library time almost used - maybe I should get a cheap NY deal & get online? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Rotorua's Steaming Holes, Trees, Birds & Haka

This continues from the previous . . . As well as smelly holes of steaming mud, I also found a tree with both white & pink blossoms? ? How does that work, then?

I also saw a Pukeko, a black swan and some geese out for a walk in the car park by the lake.

It's not clear on here, but the little island's Full of birds!
There're a few photos of the info boards, too. It saves me trying to remember everything!

The mud holes are all by the lake

Walking round the top end of the lake I'd heard some shouting & back at the museum found a load of schoolkids giving a demo. I got the teacher to take a couple of photos & they did the final shout. God - it made my hairs stand on end & it was a really emotional rush. I had tears in my eyes (& now writing this!). The teacher saw it when she gave me back my camera & gave me a hug :-)

After that I got a cup of coffee and a choc bar and read the paper. Brill - a whole paper devoted to rugby & not a word about those overpaid nancy boys who kick a round ball about :-)

Then back to the hostel & the pussy & the bunny.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Rotorua Maori stuff

Most of these pics are pants, but it's all about the Maori evening.


The first few are the welcome . . .


Then there's some Maori outside their little houses, singing etc., and me posing with one.

You may note I am still mango at this point ;-p


Then we watched  while they let some of the party take the food out of the hole in the ground where it'd been cooking

Yum yum. I ate a shedload :-D





After the feast we all went into the community hall and entertained with singing, dancing, poi twirling (not hit on the head this time ;-p ), and stick arts.

Then it was back to the coach and Rotorua.

I had a look into the window of the little house, & saw a couple of beds ! ! ! !
So they really lived there. Gosh   :-)
The glowing coals are one of their fires. It was in a pit and had such nice colours, I just had to take a picture.
The last one is a really crap one of our guide for the evening.
Sadly, writing this 11 months after the event I can't remember his name (sorry mate!), & my notes are in a right mess - oops. Everyone getting off the coach had the opportunity to hongi. That's when you press noses & foreheads together & put your hand on their shoulder. It's a greeting, in case you didn't know!