Saturday 25 August 2012

Rotorua Maori stuff

Most of these pics are pants, but it's all about the Maori evening.


The first few are the welcome . . .


Then there's some Maori outside their little houses, singing etc., and me posing with one.

You may note I am still mango at this point ;-p


Then we watched  while they let some of the party take the food out of the hole in the ground where it'd been cooking

Yum yum. I ate a shedload :-D





After the feast we all went into the community hall and entertained with singing, dancing, poi twirling (not hit on the head this time ;-p ), and stick arts.

Then it was back to the coach and Rotorua.

I had a look into the window of the little house, & saw a couple of beds ! ! ! !
So they really lived there. Gosh   :-)
The glowing coals are one of their fires. It was in a pit and had such nice colours, I just had to take a picture.
The last one is a really crap one of our guide for the evening.
Sadly, writing this 11 months after the event I can't remember his name (sorry mate!), & my notes are in a right mess - oops. Everyone getting off the coach had the opportunity to hongi. That's when you press noses & foreheads together & put your hand on their shoulder. It's a greeting, in case you didn't know!

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