Saturday 15 December 2012

Rotorua's Steaming Holes, Trees, Birds & Haka

This continues from the previous . . . As well as smelly holes of steaming mud, I also found a tree with both white & pink blossoms? ? How does that work, then?

I also saw a Pukeko, a black swan and some geese out for a walk in the car park by the lake.

It's not clear on here, but the little island's Full of birds!
There're a few photos of the info boards, too. It saves me trying to remember everything!

The mud holes are all by the lake

Walking round the top end of the lake I'd heard some shouting & back at the museum found a load of schoolkids giving a demo. I got the teacher to take a couple of photos & they did the final shout. God - it made my hairs stand on end & it was a really emotional rush. I had tears in my eyes (& now writing this!). The teacher saw it when she gave me back my camera & gave me a hug :-)

After that I got a cup of coffee and a choc bar and read the paper. Brill - a whole paper devoted to rugby & not a word about those overpaid nancy boys who kick a round ball about :-)

Then back to the hostel & the pussy & the bunny.

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