Wednesday 5 October 2011

The Cherry & other trees

Before I kick off about the cherry etc., here's a pic of the route I rode with Bruce. You may need to enlarge it, tho.

Apologisis 4 the mucho delay in blogging, too.
Never seen to have enough time in the Library these days.

Pic 2 is a little lake just south of Twizel. The willows at the front were actually a lot oranger to the naked eye, but hey, maybe it was just my eyes?

I'd parked up at the roadside, & as I was returning to the car, a camper went by with Crazy About Rugby written on the back. Well I just Had to get a pic, so I leapt in the car & took the next one once I'd caught up a bit. It's a bit blurred. Sorry ;-)

The next is a lake on SH83, & I was looking for orange willows again. The one in the middle is getting there, but it was a glorious spot & I really felt like getting wet, but needed to get SW for my ride in the Waitaki hills.

The lake in the background is a reservoir - Aviemore, & the big rock caught my eye. Well I could hardly miss it: It was huge. I tried several viewpoints, but wanted to get white snow, blue sky, green greenery & black rock, so ended up with these 2.

Here's me framing with trees again!. You can't see very well, but there's snow on them thar hils.

And it's still Lake Aviemore on the SH83

I passed this cherry & thought "I should stop for a pic", & then "There'll be another 1"
6 miles on & no sign of another cherry, so I did a u-ey & went back.
I was virtually lying on the verge for the 1st as I was trying to hide the telephone wires. Not a bad job! You can hardly see them :-)

I wasn't so successful with this one, tho, but I wanted that lovely turquoise water in. Shame some of the grass still has its winter brown.

I Was lying on the verge for this one. Trying to miss the wires again!

I like the 1st 1 best

Shortly after this I got to Kurow & went into the winery I'd seen a sign for miles back! I tried a few & ended up treating myself to a Gewurtz :-)) At the time of writing, I still haven't drunk it. I'm saving it to share with someone who enjoys Gewurtz - it's an odd taste if you're a Chardonnay addict.

Time was short so I pressed on & found the stables in the middle of a field - literally!
I introduced myself to Pete & the nags, Suzy & Denzel (who was awesomely cute - see pics in next blog), & arranged for a 2 hr ride.


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