Saturday 22 October 2011

Glenmac to Oamaru Pt 1

OK I think these are some missing pics from my trip from Twizel to Glenmac & onwards
The 1st is 1 of the hills where I rode with Pete

The 2nd is the view from my window at Glenmac

3 = a view of the valley the morning following the ride. I stopped on my way to the main road & caught the cloud before the sun lifted it.

The next few relate to some weird rock formations at Takiroa. I couldn't have a proper look at the site as a quake hasd brought part of the cliff down. All the holes seemed to be a nest for a pigeon?

The rock ends up a creamy colour. A lot of the buildings in the Oamaru region are built of it.
It's Duntroon Church, & the next 2 are daft buildings in Duntroon. I love the NZ wacky sense of humour :-))

See next blog for more of the waitaki region & the coast south of Oamaru

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