Saturday 21 July 2012

Cheese, Penguins & Long Shorts

Next morning I took some pics of my room - I'm the only occupant, and the view through the window.
The road across the grass is the SH1. It goes straight through the middle of town.

It looks good from the outside, too :-)
The goalposts intrigued me so I took a pic - see below for what happened later.

Then I went exploring - This is Oamaru Station - from both ends (remember how it's said?)

Then I went to the Oamaru cheese factory cafe and ate cheese! Tilt your head to the left to see what I had :-)

After going in the library to catch up a bit, I had more goodies at a cafe on the main street

The iron bike in the mid-ground is 1 of a set of sculptures dotted about this end of town.
Do the tilt again to read about them ;-p

Here're another couple with some flowers!

There seems to be something seriously wrong with whatever's behind this blog?
It's taking forever to do anything, even delete the gaps, so shall abort trying to tell you all about these pics, and publish as it stands.
If you want to know anything, send a message

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