Saturday 28 July 2012

Faye rediscovered, a crotcheted scarf & Elliott

It was 10 months ago when I got back to Wellington, and I can't remember exactly what went on :-/
I do know Liz kindly lent me her car while she was at work and I returned to Faye's little bungalow. Having checked with her next door neighbour on the way back from the airport, I knew she was still there, but as it was a lovely sunny day, I took the scenic route.
The 1st 3 are along the coast from Faye's, and the mountains with snow on are on South island.

The 3rd is a view of the route out of the harbour.

South is to the right.
The next is Faye pouring tea. She hadn't changed much in two years, but I remember her saying "I think you've got the wrong house" until she recognised me :-)

We had another long chat with tea and cakes, and she gave me a scarf she'd crocheted as a present for Mum. Sweet. She liked the flowers, too.
We had a long hug when I left, & I went back to Liz's to get my washing on the line & take loads of photos of Elliott.

The brown wooden cat figure I'd picked up in Invercargill was almost exactly his colour, & Liz seemed chuffed when I gave it to her for putting me up. I've since got all the pics of Elliott in a compilation & sent them all to Liz on a card. I hope they arrived.
I also got Bat to print off the North island blog in colour for me & sent it to Faye. I hope she got that, too, but I haven't heard from either, so possibly not?
Anyway, so many more memories & pics to blog, so

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