Wednesday 5 October 2011

Glenmac to Oamaru Pt 2

After the ride I found my way to Glenmac - thanks to Pete's instructions, & Kaye welcomed me.

There were 3 Asian girls staying there, too, &; after a wander round the farm, I found out before dinner that a chap from Cromwell, Justin, who worked at the Kurow winery I'd bought the Gewurtz was there too.

(Just realised I may have told you this already, but it's been 5 months since I did Pete's ride, & the brain's gone - unless it's senility, of course?)

Next morning I set out for Oamaru, by way of Elephant Rocks. There was a pic of the info board, but in my attempts to tidy up the blog, I got a bit excited with the delete button (again - oops). There was only one which looked like an elephant , but they were big & grey ;-)

The previous pic 1, showed stunt bumbag doing its stuff giving you an idea of how big they were. But the delete button gremlin stuck again!

Pic 2 shows a few more, &
 pic 3 is a smaller rock which looks a bit like a cartoon duck's head (well I thought so ;-p ). It's about 2.5m high, & in front of a massive rock. There was one of the duck on its own, but I deleted it - doh. You'll have to take my word for it, or else come round & see in via the telly. I can't reload as this PC doesn't have a hole for my stick.

The big rock had loads of interesting weathering effects in the sandy coloured bit. Incidentally, I was watching a Narnia film at Xmas (it's now Feb !) & I recognised the Goodie's camp was here, though probably not this exact spot. If you ever watch Lion/Witch/Wardrobe, have a shufti

The next reminded me of the sandworms in Dune

Then there is Puff the Magic Dragon?

After the rocks I got back on the road to Oamaru (did I tell you it was pronounced Oh ma roo?)
when I saw a sign for a place called Kia Ora.
Well, I had to detour, didn't I ! Eventually I arrived at a crossroads & found a farm with this wacky mailbox, & knocked on the door for directions to Kia Ora as it hadn't been signed for a few miles. When I asked where Kia Ora was, the lady said "this is it" hehehehehe. There was her farm, another across the crossroads & a ramshackle Community Hall in another corner. Kia Ora, indeed. Incidentally, it does say Cock & Pussy on the mailbox. NZ humour again - doancha just luv it?
Back on the road, I made a few more detours before finally arriving in Oamaru, checking in, having a bite, and heading back north to see the Moeraki Boulders - Google the name, it's very intereresting.

The 1st is some 1/2 covered by sea, &; the 2nd was me sitting on 1 . . Don't ask! You know what happened to it.

Boulders 2 shows stunt bumbag doing its job again!

The next was one eroded by time & tide, but. . . . . Maybe one day I'll work out how Not to accidentally delete photos? Or maybe not?

A nice round 1, then an equally nice bit of spindrift. I put some shells I'd found just in the foreground, too.

Then a view of the shoreline with gorse (introduced to NZ by Europeans), & some whole & broken boulders.
Next is a closeup of the nice colour inside a boulder.

Then a very round one, & a cracked one!

These were a load of Asians posing, I'd hoped to get them Au Naturel, but they spotted me lining them up & posed. I got them later when they weren't looking, tho.

The tide's just coming in here, & then another log & gorse pic: There were Lots of logs :-)

The long log reminds me of the one I took at Allans Beach on the Otago Peninsula on New Year's day 2010. That's about 100 miles south of Moeraki.

More gorse & log, & then one I thought looked like one of those Chinese horse head sculptures?

Next a wormy/snaky thing, and then 1 kinda Alien monster?

As I was leaving the beach I took some pics of the info boards, but Wiki will tell you all about them, too.

The little blue chapel is in Moeraki village. It was late-ish, & the sun had virtually gone, but it was very sweet.
I was actually looking for a restaurant in Moeraki the girl at Chillawhile had recommended. From the outside it looked like a corrugated iron fishing shed, & I drove past it 3 times before giving up & searching out the Moeraki I-Site. This was on the edge of the village & was someone's house. The lady in charge was cooking tea when I called, & the I-Site office was in her kitchen! :-0 That's NZ for you. Brill :-))

Anyway I went back to the beach/port & found it. Here's some gewurtz & my starter. Yummylicious :-)

Then some pics from inside the restaurant &; on its little balcony. While I was eating a couple of English blokes came to the next table, & one was a complete 'know-all'. Turns out they were here supporting England & travelling about in-between games. When they found out I was alone, Know-all invited me to join them. I declined as gracefully as poss. I'd've strangled him if I'd had to converse. What a wazzock!

The next few are inside the restaurant and on its little balcony.

The main course was Titi. That's Maori for Muttonbird which is a kind of Shearwater for those Twitchers who're may want to know. It was very fishy & greasy: A bit like sardiney lamb. I've had worse things in my mouth: Like Natto in Japan - Yuk. Google it!

OK That's about it for today. After paying (expensive!) It was back into the little car & up the coast to Oamaru & Chillawhile Backpackers.


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