Saturday 28 July 2012

Game 3

Sunday night was game 3 - vs Argentina, and Liz dropped me off very close to the Cake Tin. It's known as this by the locals because that's what it looks like - though it'd have to be massive oven ;-)

While I was walking up the ramp I joined load of Scotland supporters marching along with a man playing the pipes. There'd been a bit of a hoohaa about the pipes in the press, & they were not allowed in the stadia for any Scotland game (& presumably any others?)

Anyway, his name was Wayne Barrie, and when he was told by the guys in the yellow he couldn't use them, a whole load of booing started. I guess you either love the pipes or hate them, and there's no surprise where I stand on that one ;-P

The next few are the team warming up, as per Invercargill.

But as the Cake Tin was massive, they're not as close. But I did catch Chris better.


Then the Maori came on & welcomed the teams.
He may have been a tad chilly as it was raining a bit?

And there's what it's all about:
the Ellis Cup. Or at least a replica of it?
The next is Scotland running on.
And the anthem line up.

I also managed to get three pics of the guys singing away on the telly screen :-)
Not sure, but I think Chris was next to Richie? Don't he look little ;-)

IThe next few are during the game. A lot of the Pumas' fans were wearing big foam heads. Glad I wasn't behind one of them :-o
It was an awesome atmosphere. Shame they didn't have a full stadium.
The result is history and the last pic says it all for Scotland :-((
At least they had 3 wins out of 3 during the 2012 summer tour :-)) Including the Wallabies :-D

Faye rediscovered, a crotcheted scarf & Elliott

It was 10 months ago when I got back to Wellington, and I can't remember exactly what went on :-/
I do know Liz kindly lent me her car while she was at work and I returned to Faye's little bungalow. Having checked with her next door neighbour on the way back from the airport, I knew she was still there, but as it was a lovely sunny day, I took the scenic route.
The 1st 3 are along the coast from Faye's, and the mountains with snow on are on South island.

The 3rd is a view of the route out of the harbour.

South is to the right.
The next is Faye pouring tea. She hadn't changed much in two years, but I remember her saying "I think you've got the wrong house" until she recognised me :-)

We had another long chat with tea and cakes, and she gave me a scarf she'd crocheted as a present for Mum. Sweet. She liked the flowers, too.
We had a long hug when I left, & I went back to Liz's to get my washing on the line & take loads of photos of Elliott.

The brown wooden cat figure I'd picked up in Invercargill was almost exactly his colour, & Liz seemed chuffed when I gave it to her for putting me up. I've since got all the pics of Elliott in a compilation & sent them all to Liz on a card. I hope they arrived.
I also got Bat to print off the North island blog in colour for me & sent it to Faye. I hope she got that, too, but I haven't heard from either, so possibly not?
Anyway, so many more memories & pics to blog, so

Saturday 21 July 2012

Oamaru to Wellington

Can't remember if I uploaded the Bruce ride map?
Anyway, the blue dashes are where we went.
Given the problem blogger now seems to have with ampusands, I shal try AND remember not to do them

Re the trip, I was up early to check, fill up and head off north. As is normal on NZ roads, there wasn't much traffic out of town, and apart from some early morning sea mist, the drive up to Timaru was uneventful. I stopped off somewhere at a tourist gift shop place, and noted it was run by the ubiquitous Asian types from a country N of India ;-p. Well they're everywhere in the UK too. North of  Timaru te road left the coast and went through the flat farm land around Ashburton. Back to v long straight roads again.
Eventually I crossed the Rakaia again - the 1 where I'd stopped to take pics on the way to Methven and before long I was in the Christchurch suburbs looking for somewhere to fill up before giving the car back
Everything went swimmingly at Jucy and I was taken to the airport in plenty of time to grab a coffe and a goody, and check out the crossword in the paper someone had left on the table.
Aboard the plane I got to see the funny safety film again :-)) and then stared out of the window wishing I had more food!
As it was an internal, getting through to bag reclaim and out to arrivals was whizzy quick, and Liz was awaiting me across the barrier. As it was still morning we had a bit of a jolly between airport and her house, and I explained I'd like to see Faye before I headed north. Liz drove me past her house, but there was no-one there, so I knocked on next door and the chap confirmed Faye was still there, so that was great :-)
Next stop was somewhere that sold flowers so I could buy a nice big bunch to take to Faye the following day. The lady made a lovely bunch up. Thank you, Lady ;-)
As this blog is being written in July 12, I can't remember all of what happened in Wellington, but I know Liz lent me her car and I went to Faye's the next morning.

Oh what a surprise - all the PC's here just crashed and it took about 1/4 hr for them to come on again.
Computers do my head in, I can't even get blogger to change the font from this gopping courier, so as a lovely sunny day is going to waste outside, I'm off.
Ta ta

Cheese, Penguins & Long Shorts

Next morning I took some pics of my room - I'm the only occupant, and the view through the window.
The road across the grass is the SH1. It goes straight through the middle of town.

It looks good from the outside, too :-)
The goalposts intrigued me so I took a pic - see below for what happened later.

Then I went exploring - This is Oamaru Station - from both ends (remember how it's said?)

Then I went to the Oamaru cheese factory cafe and ate cheese! Tilt your head to the left to see what I had :-)

After going in the library to catch up a bit, I had more goodies at a cafe on the main street

The iron bike in the mid-ground is 1 of a set of sculptures dotted about this end of town.
Do the tilt again to read about them ;-p

Here're another couple with some flowers!

There seems to be something seriously wrong with whatever's behind this blog?
It's taking forever to do anything, even delete the gaps, so shall abort trying to tell you all about these pics, and publish as it stands.
If you want to know anything, send a message