Saturday 12 December 2009

Anduin, Isengard, Rivendell & the Fords of Isen

Early start yesterday, headed south via the Rangitiki - AKA the river Anduin. Amazing gorge with river below. Unfortunately there were some bungy wires in the way, but once I get the picture thing sorted, I'm sure you'll get the idea.
On the way there I stopped off for breakfast, & bought some wood - you know me & wood. It's nearly as bad as me & water. I must have been some sort of nymph in another life/universe/leg of the trousers of time?
After that I headed south on SH1, & at Waikanae cut across to Upper Hutt. The road wound up for 11k, & it was like doing an uphill slalom. There was swing after swing with barely 20m between each turn - it was great! Downhill was another 11k, but this was more GS, or maybe SuperG. Weirdly, I ended up passing Gemstone Drive & screeching to a halt when I saw Harcourt Park, the location for scenes at Isengard. Just like the book said, Gandalf's path was discernable by the darker green line, & the tree he rode by was still there. Check out the photo, when I eventually get it on here.
Once done at Isengard, I went back up the road to Gemstone, & saw the location of Aragorn's vision of Arwen, & rescue by Breagol (forgotten the spelling, apologies, Tolkein & Jackson!). However, as the river had washed away all the sand they put there, & it was in flood, it wasn't really recognisable, so I didn't photo it.
Next it was back north to Kaitoke & Rivendell. This was a bit disapointing, but I got a picture of the site of Legolas's 'bow & arrow' pose, & a cool stripey tree. The Fords of Isen were very close - over a mega swing bridge, & I took some vid of that.
Re the vids - turns out the German didn't del them, they were hidden files. The I-site here directed me to this internet shop, & the very helpful Grant found them & put them on my stick. So once I've worked out how to get them up here, Hopalong Clarke will be out there! ;-) eek ! (or should that be ook? lol)
Anyway, after travelling all day, from Ohakune & a nearly empty hostel, I ended up in Wellington (sharing with 2 Irish, a German, & a Spanish), & way too tired to blog. Finding the hostel was a piece of easy thing, straight up Pirie, R at Brougham, & there I was. After cleaning the car - as it would have cost me $50 if I'd taken it back covered in mud & dust, I went to bed.
Up early again this am, & found the car place. Wellington was virtually deserted at 0830 on a Sunday. The chap from Ace kindly ran me back downtown & dropped me off at the I-site, where the lovely Kathryn helped me sort out a tour & the bus/cable car to the Botanic gardens, & gave me loads of maps. Aren't maps brilliant - hahaha ;-P.
She also directed me to a brill cafe where I had a mega brek of muesli, loads of fresh fruit & yoghurt - yum yum yum, which sorted out my perenial 'change of water' problem - too much info for a blog? Tough.
After sitting there for ages & looking at all my lovely maps - this may be a running joke, always & forever etc ;-) , I went back to the I-site & bugged Kathryn again. And here I am at the internet place about to bug Grant about transferring my photos & vids.
So for now -

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