Saturday 19 December 2009

Photos - at last!

Wandered around Nelson today. Went to the market, ate some whitebait again, & hugged some trees (not really ;-) : I just went looking at some.
Then it started to rain, so I came in here to rename the photos, & to find I need to run the vids through the Panasonic software - bugger! So you'll have to wait for those. The explanations are below

No 1 is above Ohakune on the road up Ruapehu. It was where Andy Serkis wore the motion-capture suit & splashed about to catch a fish. I remember being amazed when I saw it for the first time at the Pictures, & wondering how on earth they did it!

No 2
is taken from where they erected the fake oak on top of Bag End, & looking down towards the Party Tree. There's a poster of Gandalf & Bilbo having a smoke & looking out at the preparations for Bilbo's eleventy-first

No 3
shows No 3 Bagshot Row with Bag End above. The Oak above Bilbo's door was fake - I've got photos of what's left.

is Ian Anderson, me & Ben (the Orc). Gandalf the Bus is in the background. Hobbiton was created on the Anderson's farm.

is the view out of my room window at On The Beach Backpackers, in Whitianga. Not a bad view to wake up to, eh?

No 6
is the first pic I took in NZ on Tues Dec 8th @ 1300

7 was actually the 1st photo I uploaded, but Blogger doesn't seem to care where it dumps them on the page. It was taken when I was trying the FZ35 out indoors at my last bagwork class before I left. All the hard won fitness will all have disappeared by the time I go again.

Given uploading takes >2 min a photo, & I've no idea where Blogger will put them, I'm going to group them together under a date, or a location, so it's not such a muddle.
That way you'll have a better idea IRO the location photos & the various touristy ones.

I'll have to do this over the next few days, as I've already been in this Internet Cafe for nearly 2 hours & I can't do it at Paradiso, as I explained the other day.

Off to the supermarket now. Plan to eat as many green-lipped mussels as I can, & to try & eat another variety of NZ fish.

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