Wednesday 16 December 2009

More about yesterday, plus Wellington to Picton

OK - was rushed last night so didn't get chance to fill you in about yesterday.

I''ll start at the beginning.

Early start to try & find out what was wrong with the FZ35. Not mendable, bought a point & shoot, & then off to Te Papa again for a taste of the Maori culture.

Lisa Reweti took me round - I was the only one, & felt like a VIP. She explained a load of stuff about the Maoris & especially interesting was the painting of The Widow - which I'd seen the day before & was amazed to see how much like a photo it was. The end of the tour involved eating Maori style food & drink - details of which I've stupidly left in my room, but it was really good - especially the tea. There was also a bowl of manuka honey to sweeten the tea & put on the bread made from sweet potatoes. Considering how much the stuff costs in Tesco, I probably ate a fiver's worth! Lisa was Maori, & really knew her onions, or should that be kumara?

Then I tried to find the artwork (sculptured poetry & sculptures) in the harbour I'd seen on Billy Connelly's World Tour of NZ, but only found 4 of them. Took shoes off & walked about barefoot - obviously turning Kiwi?

After that, I went to the All Black's Store & spent an arm & a leg on a shirt. It seems quite delicate, but I guess it must be tougher than it looks, given the hammer they get on the pitch.
I wanted 7 on the back (never really got to play much, in the pack, but enjoyed it immensley when I did, & it's much more FUN than standing around freezing on the wing). However, it takes a couple of days so it wasn't feasible. However, the guy at the store, Tivi*, said I could take it to the Christchurch store, they'd get it numbered up, & then send it to either Queenstown or Dunedin for me. What a brill idea, Tivi - Cheers mate!
* who looked like he may have been a Back. He was way too pretty for a forward, & to quote Diane IRO G: Phwoor!

By now it was mid afternoon, so I made my way to Courtney Place where the buses to Miramar/Scorching Bay go from. Whilst awaiting the omni, a lady of senior years asked me how much it cost, as her pass stopped at 3pm. Of course I hadn't a clue, but we got chatting & when I said I was off to Scorching Bay for tea at the ex Chocolate Fish Cafe, she said it was really difficult to get to by bus, but if I got off with her, she'd run me in her car.

So eventually, there I was, getting off the bus & into her car. She said her name was Faye & whilst Christened Fay, she said when she was 7, her teacher had put an E on the end & she'd been Faye with an E ever since! Isn't that sweet?

And what a lovely lady she was. She reminded me a bit of Mum, & awfully of how mate Jools may look in 30 years. She even had similar mannerisms!

Not only did she take me there to the bay, we stopped off at Peter Jackson's house for a piccy - it was on the way, & then, when I found they'd just shut for the day (at 4.30 ?), she took me home for a brew.

A couple of photos taken of the view from her house & across the bay, & then we sat & chatted for well over 2 hours - about our families & all sorts of stuff. She seems to be always doing things for others & is truly a good & special person.

After our chat she ran me back up to the bus for town - via the scenic route!, & then waited with me, still chatting until it came. We had a lovely hug & waved at each other as the bus went off.

Thanks, Faye, for your kindness & your worldly wisdom. You've given me a bit to think about - like accepting someone may be truly repentant, & never to say, never, & mean it.
In turn I hope you can believe you are a very welcoming & open person, & don't let anyone convince you otherwise :-))

Once back in town I ate Japanese - again! plus 3 lots of Sake. Apologies if I told you that already?, but I need to say how nice the NZ bus drivers are. Not at all grumpy!

OK - Now today

Today I met my 1st grumpy Kiwi. He was the guy from Rowena's who got up before 7am to take just little old me to the ferry terminal. Maybe it was that, or the fact the minibus didn't do 4th? He just revved the bollocks of it in 3rd & then dropped out of gear & coasted for a bit. It sounded dreadful & I was worried we wouldn't get there. But we did, thank goodness. He grunted when I said Ta.

The ferry was amazing, & I got all touristy & took load of photos & vids. PROMISE (honestly, AndyC!) I'll do my utmost in Nelson to upload them, but can't tonight as I need to check E's before I'm dumped out again, & then I need to get some scran.

I tell you, it's costing me fortunes, all this blogging. But from your E's, you're enjoying my stories, so that's good.

Supposed to be on my dolphin swm manana, but there's only 3 booked, & min is 4. I won't know until 7am whether or not I'll actually do it. I even bought a waterproof camera in Wellington, especially. Fingers crossed, eh?!

Signing off now

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