Tuesday 15 December 2009

Cameras & Faye

Very little time on my session to say much, so I'll tell you all about today when I get to Picton tomorrow.

Main news is my wonderful FZ35 'developed a fault' according to the chap in the shop, so I've had to buy a new one, pending getting in touch with Panasonic UK once I'm back in Blighty.

The result of the above is I had to bite the bullet & get a new one. Some of you out there know how much it cost me ! :-(
I guess it means I'll have to grab whatever overtime's going once I'm back at work.

Anyway - I met a lady at the bus stop out to Miramar where I hoped to see the site of the Chocolate Fish Cafe - a fave rave of the Rings peeps.
She told me the bus didn't go anyway near & said she'd run me there with her car once we got to Miramar.
The full details manana, but I ended up spending >3 hours chatting to her at her house, feasting on her lovely birthday cake (fruit yumyumyum), & then she ran me back to the bus to town.

What a totally lovely lady - Thanks for everything, Faye - check out tomorrow's blog!

Went back to Shinobi Sushi for tea, had 3 lots of sake & need to post NOW

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