Thursday 17 December 2009

Splitting the atom

Turns out the I-site at Picton has more seats on the bus, so I got a seat to Nelson, after all.

When I turned the mob on I'd got an ansafone msg, but can't access them here. I guessed it was Mum, so called. She spent ages telling me how awful the Blackpool Royal Variety was!
Come on, Mum, this call's costing me loadsamoney!
Then she said she'd call me so it was her phone bill. Mmm. How do you explain mobile phone charges to an 86 yr old,& that it costs nearly as much to receive a call as to make one?

Once done with Mum, I took some sun (that's nearly poetry ;-P - I don't think! ) & nearly finished the last Gazette cryptic I'd brought with me before I fell asleep.

After sunbathing, I joined the hoards leaving cute Picton, & our Driver, Paul, gave a neat commentary while we went along. His accent was a little thick, though, & I think some non-English peeps had a bit of difficulty. Even I had fun at one point: I thought he said Bull Pens on the R, when in fact, he said Burnt Patch on the R!
Oops, seems Japanese is not the only language I have difficulty following ;-)

Anyway, we went through Blenheim - wasn't over impressed, as it was surrounded by seared hills; Renwick - said as it's spelt, not like we do in Blighty; & Havelock - where Rutherford (atom splitting chap) was born & went to school, & where there is the biggest green-lipped mussel industry in the world. You'd never guess from the look of the place!
We went through other places, but can't really remember what Paul said about them. Something about the worlds tallest loaf - due to a French Rugby team visit, his very fit 72 yr old Mother & him having an Aussie accent!

Hooked up with an Italian girl called Rebecca while we waited to be picked up from the bus station here. She has very good English, as her Mother's a geordie. She even says Newcastle like one!

Given the dolphins were a no-go I decided to call Nelson Helicopters & go for the LOR flight. I've to call them at 8am to check the weather.
Maybe by this time tomorrow I'll have flown over some 'inaccessible by foot' locations?

Had planned to spend time uploading photos & vids tonight, & had saved up a load of $2 pieces. However, the computers here are almost as basic as my old 386, & you can't plug anything in. The girl at the desk says there's somewhere in town, so as it's due to rain on Sat, I'll save my $2 pieces until then.

Having eaten a load of green-lipped mussels for tea, & blogged to you lot, I'm about to take my glass of local Reisling, & sit by the pool, go in the spa (if all the Gerry's have got out!), or try the sauna. Tell you, this place is not your average hostel!


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