Thursday 22 September 2011

3rd Wednesday, 2nd Game

Following the interrupted sleep, I was latish getting up - 9.30!

Kilt etc was ready, & when I got into the kitchen for brekkers I found someone had eaten 2 of my 3 coconut & choc bars :-((

I found Dougie hard at it. This is him doing the saltire on Amber.

One girl (Fiona?) had done her nails blue & used Tippex for the saltire. Sounds bizarre, but it looked well good. Doubt the telly would pick it up, though?

After I'd had the required number of brews I got Dougie to do me as well.
Rumour had it he'd been stoned since he'd arrived, & I had seen him asleep on the sofa outside our room in the wee small hours of Sunday, but his hand only shook a little bit! ;-p

Of course then it was time for the obligatory pre-game photos.

After that I went shopping for a present for FM & found 2 alpaca jumpers.

I'd've like a possum one, but possum costs an arm & a leg, so they mix it with merino. That's a no-no for me as sheep stuff makes me itch something chronic :-(

Then I walked down to the stadium as I wanted to get a good view on the sidelines.

There was a local pipe band performing, & a lady called Dawn was taking photos. She took a couple of me & I got them via E today. Unfortunately, me being me, I have no idea how to get them from Gmail onto Blogger. Any clues, anyone?

On my way down in the lift, I took a photo of the warning sign!

They have a way with signs here which make them useful, but also funny, like 'Merge Like A Zip' on roads where 2 lanes go into 1. Much better than the boring picture signs we have in the UK.

I've seen several signs for 'horse poo' as well! They don't mince their words here ;-p

Plus the photo is of a sign in a car park I took a short cut through. We get Exit, & no help if we go the wrong way.
They do here, though ! ! !

Anyway, I digress!

The lady in the blue jacket is Dawn. Not sure if this was taken before or after she took me?

The kid in the foreground is really blowing ;-)

The major bloke was a bit po-faced, but had nice kit on.
I was trying to time the pic to coincide with the blokes on the drums.
I think I managed it?

When I got inside - well over an hour before kick-off, the sidelines were already chokker, so I went to the other end from Sat.

A couple of Argentinians came & stood next to me & we had a bit of a chat using dodgy English & rusty Spanish.

I got 1 of the security peeps to take our photo.

You can see a Scottish contingent behind us!

After a bit the band from outside came & marched round - I don't know if that bit got on the telly? ?

I took this one because of the man with the
big camera. It reminded me of Pat's letter, years ago, when she wrote to tell me of Gordon's new hobby, & drew a picture of his camera which right round the edge of the page!
Small things amuse small minds, they say. Mine must be like a pea, then ;-))
And then my battery died - boo hoo

Well at least it allowed me to concentrate on the game & not miss any tries, like last time :-)

Um. Wot tries :((

If you saw it, you'll know what happened, & if you didn't, you're prob not interested, so that's ya lot today, peeps

Well almost. I just checked what it looked like after asking the font to be arial. For some bizarre reason known only to geeks & nerds, it seems to have only turned 2 & a bit sentences into arial. What's that about, then?
No need to answer that ;-p

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