Friday 23 September 2011

To Methven

Next morning I was up early & met a couple of locals Dougie Couch & Walt Stone. They seemed to be ensconced at the hotel.
I also got chatting to a family from Christchurch, Sam, Martin, Jess & Nathan Lodwich. They were off skiing & boarding. Nat's pants were great. The night before, whilst watching the game after dinner, I'd also chatted to a couple who were touringwith a campervan & who had planned to get the early train over Arthur's Pass. I assume they made it, as they weren't about at breakfast?
I quite fancy that myself: I love trains. Maybe next time?

I didn't actually eat brekkers, as I'd been too busy talking to Sam & co, but I'd had lots of free brews, so set off up the 73 in a southerlyish direction (I had to backtrack a bit to get on the 73)

Getting to Rakaia Gorge, I stopped for a photo or several, as I hadn't done last time - being in a rush to get to Bruce's for my Edoras ride.

The 1st 7 pics are of the Rakaia Gorge

The last 2 are in Methven on the same road as Big Tree

This one is a bit arty-farty ;-p That's my shadow
on the platform.

This one's not as good as I'd hoped. The sun was too much in front & I didn't get the colour of the water in the rock hollow I'd wanted :-(

Further on down the road I got to the turn off for Mt Hutt. I started up (I'd dressed in my ski suit again), but then decided against due to the snow the day before.
I continued to Methven instead, & found Big Tree.
No-one was about, so I called the mobno in the porch. Someone answered & said they were teaching up on Hutt. I appologised for being early, & they directed me to where the key was hidden & said I was in room 1.
Having let myself in, had a brew & put a load of washing in the machine, I went exploring Methven.

The blog published without the last bit loading (I think Liz's laptop doesn't like Poms), so 3 days later I'm going to try again!

Not much further to add, other than I watched the match in the Brown Pub, & when Japan tried, everyone cheered :-))
I also booked a 'Dinner with the Stars' for the following night - see next but 1 blog

As I'm now in Rotorua & off to Hamilton later to do some karate (it's the 29th) I'd better press on & try & catch up a bit

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