Tuesday 20 September 2011

Shirley has fun

The 1st one's the same beach as prev blog - Sidney, I think. It's from the other end, though.

Before we got there & walked 4 sets of footprints all over it, it was pristine & idyllic - even though it was still raining.

If you look just R of centre, you can see a rope swing.

Well, you can guess what happened next ? ! ?

Scott took these, & after I'd done, Gulmira had a go, too.

Not sure how often Ulva sees her clients behaving like Tarzan, but my guess is 'pretty often'

Happily, by the time we got back to the jetty, where Ken was waiting, the sun had appeared. I'd put a bikini on, 'just in case', & it was another case of serendipity as I could not let a chance to swim in this beautifully clear water pass me by.
I ran down the jetty to check with Ken we could delay departure, & gave Scott my camera.
There was a sort of bus shelter for peeps awaiting the water taxi, & I disrobed in that.
The rest is history, as they say ;-p !

I'd also packed a towel & dry smalls, but it's really hard getting dressed when you're partially wet, & I was longer than anticipated. By the time we were going back to Golden Bay, the rain was coming in sideways over the transom. It was also like knitting needles :-(
Back on dry land, we paid Ken 25$ each, & Ulva gave me a lift back to Bunkers, where I was treated to disbelieving comments when everyone heard I'd had a swim. Even the Scots thought I was mad, but, honestly, it was warmer than it had been when I was up by Cape Wrath in 2008. I'd've stayed in longer had Ken not been waiting.

Can't remember what I did for tea - ham & cheese pasta, I think, but I spent the rest of the night by Bunker's lovely wood stove (thanks, Heath & Liz), & dried my stuff off!

That's all for now

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