Wednesday 14 September 2011

Chilling Thursday & Thrilling Friday

As planned, I was up early & at the Med Centre before 9.

I was checked out by Scottish Dr, & she said that as there didn't seem to be any functional damage, I'd skied on it afterwards, & I was walking on it OK, there was no real need for an X-Ray. She gave me the paperwork, tho, just in case.

She also suggested I gave it 24 hours before I skied again.

Next I went to the airport to make sure I was OK to return the car on Sat & not Fri like it said on the papers & to tell them the CD had broken.
On the way out of town I picked up a couple of guys headed for Dunedin (a Brit & a Canuk), & dumped them at the Franklin roundabout. I gave them my map as well.

Back at Nomads, I decided to book myself in for a Canyon Swing. This is like a bungy, but as well as down, you swing about on the end of your rope.
It was $199 for 1 drop, but as I was in NZ again, I figured I should partake of some of the extreme things on offer.

The rest of the day was spent mozying round Queenstown & walking the Nomads dog - I got a $ worth of internet for it!

I also booked another physio session & got done by a girl from Chester. I've got names & stuff all over random bits of paper, but I can't find what I did with last Thursday's notes, so no name here either - sorry Thingy!

I packed the bags too, & got the ruckie in the car ready for my early start at the Canyon, & the trip down to Invercargill.

Talking to a couple of Irish girls in my room - Amanda from Kilcock & Charlene from Dublin, I found out I'd missed the arrival of the Irish team & therefore, the hunk of the month :-(

They agreed with me about 'there's something about him', even tough he's kinda neanderthal!
They also said they'd had pics taken with the team. We also had a laugh about the fact some of the team'd apparently been out enjoying the Queenstown hospitality to the wee small hours - naughty boys! and just before the RWC too.

Next morning I was up & breakfasted by 7.30, & took the car to a free parking zone before walking to Shotover St.

At the shop, my hand was stamped with a pirana! and me & the rest of the punters (and parents) were shown a DVD of peeps throwing wobblers & blubbering etc.
I didn't worry, though, as the girl at Nomads had warned me they liked to play with your head so I was prepared for some tricks ;-)

We were driven to Shotover Canyon by Lonnye
and led down the cliff path.
There were 4 other jumpers, Brad from Ottawa & George from Montreal - both of whom jumped in Gorilla suits :-), and Leo & Oliver from Hawkes Bay. Their Dad took the pics of me.
The 1st is me being winched up after the 1st go - a step off sideways whilst bent forward - so you get a good look on the way down!
They call it the Pin Drop.

The 2nd is me being prepared for my 2nd go - the Gimp Boy Goes To Hollywood. I chose Uma's Kill Bill doll to join me - she seemed the most appropriate, given the number of swords in my house :-p

This is where they hoist you out over the drop & you upend yourself to hook your ankles round the rope. Then you let go with your hands & hang headfirst, like you're diving. Then they let you loose & you drop towards the river.
This was Definitely Awesome. I've liked to have another go, but figured I shouldn't spend any more dosh - I'd already planned to get the photos & DVD of the experience.

The last pic is posed - Pinky was hanging onto my harness. The other two guys up there were Steve - a Kiwi I think & Emory from Brazil - it was his first day on the job! What a job eh?!?!

While I was waiting on the platform, Pinky & Steve kept saying stuff to make me worried, & I kept checking my pulse to see if the adrenaline had kicked in, but it remained boringly low ? Strange.

Anyway, anyone who's lives near me can come and watch the DVD if they want? Meanwhile, if you google Shotover Canyon Swing, you could have a shufti.

Once back down in Queenstown, I had a quick brew & set off down the SH6 towards Invercargill.

As the CD was bust, I tuned into a radio station & they were asking how listeners were going to be watching the NZ vs Tonga game that night, so I pulled over & called. Eventually I got to talk live on air with the DJ, Dan, & after my interview I was still listening & he said 'wasn't Shirley a treasure'. Dan seemed well chuffed I'd come to NZ a 2nd time & was joining in with all the stuff.

I took my time on the road, stopping for a pic of Wakatipu on the SH6 (no German hitchhikers this time), and a brew & a HEWUJ piece of carrot cake at Lumsden.

No kidding, the fat end of the wedge must've been 5 inches. I couldn't eat it all, so she doggied it for me.

Tuatara is on the main road in, & handy for everything.

The pic is of Jackie from Scotland inside the lift! This bit's the door, & the rest are forest with Tuataras dotted about.

Anyway, I got fed & watered (well, cidered!), & chatting with Dougie,

a chef working in Oz, plus Sarah & Stephan from the UK & France. Stephan's in a wheelchair after smashing up both his ankles & 1 arm skiing :-(

Then it was across to Bar Luca for the game.

The next pic is the guys & gals at my table at 1/2 time.

A nice bloke called John from Leeds bought me another cider, but by 1/2 way through I badly needed some cold air & went to have a chat with the maori bouncers on the door. Even the lady bouncer was large!

Of course, the All Blacks won.

Eventually I noticed it was post witching hour,

& as I'd been up since 7 I decided to be a party pooper & head off to my bunk.

So endeth Friday the 9th, the first time I'd purposely jumped off a cliff & the eve of Scotland's 1st game.


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