Thursday 8 September 2011

Whriday's Pics - remember the instructions??

You prob worked out this was the wooden Kiwi I mentioned?
The pic above the bird is the 1st waterfall & pool. It was too hot when I tried it, but Paddy & Tobi said it was OK. The next 1 is the second waterfall & pool, & there are a couple of me under it.

You prob also guessed the duo in the waterfall are paddy & Tobi. They weren't too keen about getting right under when I kept saying 'back a bit more' hehehe. Well, it Was very forceful - great for pumelling, as I said last time

As usual there's a weird zigzaggy thing going on. Anyone know how to stop it? ? ?

You can see the steam rising - it's not spray :-)

So here we are at Ngarauhoe again

A great blue sky :-))

And here's are the sunset ones

While I was doing them, a bloke came bay & peered through the lens - the camera was balanced on a couple of CD cases on the roof of the car

He walked a bit further on & got a massive camera out of his bag ;-)

This one's another from SH47 - NW of the mountain
The sunset ones are from the west -obviously hahaha ;-)

Well, I managed it before my money ran out on this go.

I'm starving now so off to do some tea. May get back later & tell you all about Saturday & my drive to Taranaki, another awesome volcano
TTFN again


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