Sunday 18 September 2011

Game On pics

In Twizel & it looks cloudy around Aoraki, so grabbing some time to upload some pics while I have a hole ;-P

This is that scrum pic I told you about.
They only did it once, so I was lucky to catch it.

This is taken from where I stood for the whole game, so you can see I was in the perfect place for Danielli's tries.

Even though I dyed the hair mango so anyone looking for me on telly might have 1/2 a chance of spotting me, I am still blonde, & missed them both.

I'm proud of this one :-)

For those unacquainted with Scotland's team, this is 2nd row/Lock, Richie Gray catching a ball during line-out practice.
His head's about 11' off the ground - well above sea-level ;-p

Incidentally, I also managed to catch the other catch as well - golly gosh, serendipitous, or what :-))

This shows Invercargill's stand - there was only 1. The rest of us were standing on the other 3 sides.

In case you didn't know, the guy in the suit is Andy Robinson, Scotland's bossman.

I could tell you who the players are, but those who are into rugby will prob know already, & the who aren't would be bored!, so I'm not.

This is the guys doing some contact practice during the warm-up.

The comment about who's who above, applies here.
They do look like they're doing hizageri practice though, don't they !

This was just before the teams came on. The Maori seemed to be blowing a big shell. Other games have had them blowing into a long thing. I'll try to find out what they are & let you know.

Whatever he's blowing into, I bet he was a tad chilly!

This was a line out during the game

This was part of the warm-up. You can see the 'rural' nature of the ground.

I'll start the Stewart Island saga today - while I've got a hole & some time, but for now

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