Thursday 8 September 2011

Thursday's Pics, Then Friday & a Hot River

So these are pics after I went skiing on Whakapapa

BTW - WH is pronounced F - so it would be Farkarparpar (kinda) The pointy one is Ngarauhoe (Narra Who Ee ! )There are a lot, as I'm hoping for 1 for the wall

Shame you didn't get to read about the reverse kipper on the waterfall, the crashlanding, the disc of cloud over Ngarauhoe, or Mckenzie's Mistake, but blame my inevitable ability to make PCs go on strike (rather like Phlis hehe) So my first ski on a volcano remains unblogged :-(

The zig zag presentation is not my idea - it's how blogger does it ???

The shots are of Ngarauhoe from SH48 & Ruapehu in the twilight from SH49. Not at all in the right order, but I'm rushing to blog before my dosh runs out

And so to Friday's hot stuff . . . .

Well it was a stream, actually! But it was hot :-))

What happened was an Oz girl at the Y came in with tales of a hot stream & waterfalls at Taupo, so as the weather was looking murky for Turoa skiing, I decided to drive up there & take a look-see.

I reversed my route from Dec 9 - up SH1 to Taupo, but didn't go for a paddle this time ;-p

The site was dead easy to find - at a lovely park just outside of town

It was rather awesome with several pools of lovely warm water (actually 1 was too bloody hot to get in!), & several waterfalls to sit under.

One waterfall was so powerful I couldn't sit upright enough to take a pic, so when a couple of German lads happened by, I took one of them instead - I'll up load in a bit, or the photos'll end up at the beginning of this blog - grrr
After I'd had a lovely water massage for about 1/2 hr, I got out dried off & went back to the car so I could drive back in the daylight & try & get Nganaruhoe at sunset - I'd managed Ruapehu the day before. I stopped on the north side on SH47 several times (you'll be getting sick of the sight of Ngarauhoe haha), & then hung out at a bar at National Park Village until the sun got low enough to do interesting things to the volcano.
I took a photo of a wooden Kiwi too

Anyway - time's ticking on so I'll end this & get the Friday photos on. As usual, the order will be random, but the water stuff was before the volcano & the kiwi

Then, if there's time, I'll do Saturday - which was a mega day. Otherwise you'll have to wait

For now, then


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