Friday 1 January 2010

Hobbiton photos

Bag End on the hill (without fake oak tree above! - see below). No 3 Bagshot Row is the Hole with the chimney

This is the view from inside Bag End showing the Party Tree

They brought in a tree from somewhere, & attached thousands of fake oak leaves, just so Tolkein's description of Bag End would be seen. A lot of work for seconds of screen time! This is what's left of it, 10 yrs on.
The Party Tree - which is a conifer & not deciduous, as I'd imagined.
The view over her R shoulder is the same as in the picture taken from the film. Up close, the picture shows the bridge, the mill & the Green Dragon
Me in front of the Party Tree in the spot where Bilbo put on the ring after his speech
More 'oak tree' debris with the Gandalf & Bilbo photo (see below), the lake & the Party Tree
The photos in the photo are of Rosie & Sam's hole, & they're in front of where it was actually built. See end of Return of the King
Bagshot Row.
No 3, where Gaffer & Sam Gamgee lived, is the one with the chimney. Bag End front door is at top R corner
Another one of me under the Party Tree.
Well, Mum would complain if there were none of me after 9 weeks away!
Me sitting in the front door of Bag End. The 'oak tree' would have been hanging over the door
This is inside the Hobbiton Tours tea & gift shop
The statue isn't Gollum, but it is in Matamata, AKA Hobbiton!
Some Hobbit holes
The wall of an Internet Cafe in Matamata
The photo is from the film when Gandalf & Bilbo were chewing the fat & having a smoke blowing session. The photo was taken from the position it's sited in
An Anderson (one of the brothers who own the land Hobbiton was built on), me, & Ben (the Orc) in front of Gandalf the bus!
Another shot of Ben the Orc & Gandalf the bus!

I hope you enjoyed a visit to Hobbiton?
Will post more photos tomorrow - hopefully ;-)

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