Sunday 17 January 2010

I get some days off ! ?

So you've read what we do at work - most days are the same.
Having worked 5, the 3 of us doing the zoo/jungle experience had a couple of days due, plus they added the 2 for the next 5 days so we could go sightseeing & meet up with the 4 at Zoo Taiping.

Emma decided it might be good if we met up at Langkawi, up the coast from KL, so she got a plan together & we were to check out buses etc the next day - Tues.

Unfortunately, Jon & Emma didn't get Tues, as they're on a different do, so me, Penny & Steph got up late, did some washing & internetting & once the other 2 had finished & showered, we took the train to the city (the zoo's in a suburb) & went to catch the overnight train north.

Another 'unfortunately' was Penny didn't realise the date, & when we got to the station, the train had gone, so Emma trundled us off to the bus station where we could get an overnight bus to Butterworth - & from there the boat to Penang/Georgetown.

It didn't leave 'til 2330, so I hung out at the bus station while the other 4 went for some grub. I didn't go with them for 2 reasons:-
1 Not particularly hungry
2 Fed up with following Emma & Steph's backsides while they hurried along, & didn't want to walk any further.

When they got back we all hung out & eventually the bus came & took us with it.

The driver was quite chatty, but his accent was so thick, it was difficult to understand him!

The journey was supposed to take about 5-6 hrs, but he made it fly & suddenly said "Battuth, Battuth".
Eventually, we realised this was the local version of Butterworth, so grabbed our bags & got off.

It was 25 past 4 !

The 1st ferry out to Penang left at 0530 & the booking office opened at 5. As it was right by the bus station, we didn't have far to go - thank goodness.
I doubt any of us were up for another trundle at that hour ;-)

The ferry cost 1.20RM.
That's about 20p !
It was only a 10 minute journey, though. A bit like the Fleetwood/Knott End trip, I guess.

So that left us in Georgetown before 6 am, & we followed Emma as she lead us to a hostel mentioned in The Lonely Planet.
It was in Love Lane, but I think the proprietor didn't love Emma much when she knocked on his door at 6 in the morning?
I mean, what was she thinking?
Maybe the world stops for Emma elsewhere, but I think she was severely out of order expecting people to let us in at that hour.
Nothing daunted, though, off she went again, down Love Lane, & our little fivesome kept meeting a single Chinese girl who'd been on the ferry & was also looking for somewhere to crash.

Everywhere was shut, of course, & after 5 attempts, we ended up in a cafe to await the dawn!

The Chinese girl turned up too, & asked to join us, so I got her name, Claire, & introduced her the the others.
No-one else was inclined to chat much & Steph just put her head on the table.

By this point I decided I seriously needed to lose Emma.
Her general ignorance, lack of concern for normal behaviour, & the way she spoke to boyfriend, Jon, were winding me up somewhat, so, as I knew the other 4 where headed for Langkawi, & Emma had plans to 'show us round Georgetown' (my quotes ;-P ), I decided to join the "A Team" on the ferry to Langkawi at 0830.

I just made it.

Now, the story stops here until manana, as the I-cafe shuts at 7 on a Sunday & it's 2 min to.

So hasta manana for the next instalment - plus photos

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