Tuesday 12 January 2010

What Katie Did

This is Katie trying to get a food pocket

No idea why this has blurred. It was OK when I looked at it earlier.
Aagh: The gremlins of technology strike again!

This is Katie using part of a banana tree as a parasol. Apparently, they put stuff on their heads a lot. I was not told why?

Having climbed up to the platform with the tree in her teeth, Katie pauses for a moment of contemplation. This may be another one for the wall?

Katie had her 1st food pocket nicked by Punky, but she found another & is trying to undo the knots to get at the goodies inside

She's still trying!

"Mmm. How does this go, then?"

Ha! Yum Yum :-))
(This time Katie's having a yummy time & not me, for a change, Gill).

There's some more in there somewhere, but she has to try & undo the knot.
Unfortunately, it's another blurry one
More photos to follow
OAO for now

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