Thursday 21 January 2010

Off to the jungle

0930 here & just in checking E's & doing last blog in civilisation

Will be staying in a lodge where the main form of transportation is boat; it's the rainy season, so whatever gets wet, stays wet; & the generator is shut down at 10ish.

Flying from KL to Kuching at 1525 & from there to accom.
Tomorrow we visit the rehabilitation centre, but only for a short time.

After that it's the aforementioned jungle.

Not looking forward to leeches, trekking through jungle in the mud, & being continually damp, but I guess you have to take the rough with the smooth?
I just hope the experience exceeds expectations, as this one did!
ie - wrapped in an Orang, as Lesley put it :-))

I still have loads of pics, but doubt I'll be uploading more until I get back to Blighty - certainly not now, as I'm off to buy a brush for the Ape Centre - their's are pathetic & use way too much energy (& therefore sweat!) to clean properly.
Mazrul suggested it would be a good pressie, as my idea for a hose pressure thingummy was not a good idea, as it would not be used by the keepers - they prefer the old 'thumb on the end' apparently!
No accounting for taste, eh? ;-P

Anyway, gotta dash & get to Ace Hardware before my 1/2 hr walk back to the zoo, & final preps for next leg.

Have fun while I'm 'off line'

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