Saturday 16 January 2010

More touristy pics from NZ

OK - these are all totally out of order
When taken they all had a number, but I renamed them in Nelson & then it all went alphabetical.
So - I just uploaded in alpha order - it's too late to go deciding which came first & leaving it as the last to upload etc etc etc!

This is the view from Faye's lounge & that's Faye - lovely lady

The island in the middle is where they signed the treaty of something or other.

Important place, but I've forgotten the details - sorry.
You could try enlarging the map of the Interislander journey - below. It tells you on there

The Marae at Te Papa

Me talking about the Baccarat loo - sorry, vid too big to upload. If you want a laugh, you'll have to come round to 171. You could have a look at the other vids then, too ;-P

Atlantis Backpackers, Picton

The big rock on the L looks like a face?

The Maori Brunch at Te Papa. I never did manage to find any Kawa Kawa Tea

Faye stopped the car so I could take a pic of Peter Jackson's house
The cyclist came at just the wrong mo. Typical ;-)

Peter's from the Interislander. It's the one on the right I think? (Because of the tree Faye told me he lights every Xmas)

Me on the Jetty across the road from Faye's bungalow

Me & Sheira outside Atlantis hostel at Picton

Me & Dion after the flight
See below for his Daniel Craig impersonation ;-)

Lunch & bottle at Picton

The Embassy, Wellington, & the Lovely Bones premier poster. This was where they did the LOR premier

Lisa & Peter Jackson's model at the Te Papa Marae
It's the one with the camera on a tripod.

This is the map of the Interisland journey I spoke of above. Treaty island is there somewhere

This is Harwood's Hole & peeps go in it for fun. No accounting for taste

Taken from Daniel's (AKA Dion) helicopter

Faye's house from the Interislander.
See the lampost at the end of the jetty? Well, go 1 lampost L & it's the little red roofed 1
Nice spot for a bungalow!

Taken after the ferry had entered Marlborough Sound

Dion (AKA Daniel ! ! ! ) doing his pre-flight check
Well, I did tell you they were all out of sync!

Dion doing his DC mouth impression ;-P
Well I thought he was a bit like him !

Cool lagoon & Nelson in the distance

Dion & Scott at the Crebain rocks - BIG rocks!?

The back of Rowena's (the mucky Wellington hostel). This is how I got the cherry red suitcase in & out - you can see it behind the posts

Atlantis pussy

Abel Tasman National Park. Small, but perfectly formed

Another Daniel/Dion lip shot ;-P

Mangaweka is on SH1 & I just HAD to stop for a photo!

Tripod statue outside the Embassy, Wellington. It's made out of a lorry!

Another Whitianga pic - see prev blog

Mist in Mordor - AKA Ruapehu

That cow pic I spoke of (ages ago, now!) That's Ruapehu in the background & I think & was on SH49 - it's from the south anyway

More misty Mordor, with my bum bag on the L.
I was trying to get some perspective, but failed miserably. ;-)

Cool rocks on Ruapehu. I told you the weather was perfect Mordor weather. The previous day was like the pic with the cows - totally inappropriate!

Ruapehu from SH1 - taken just after the Ngaruhoe one below

Ruapeho - L, & Ngaruhoe - R. Taken whilst I was up to my chest in Lake Taupo

When I saw the clours & shapes, I just had to stop for a piccy.
BTW - that's Ruapehu from the south!

Late afternoon sun on Ruapehu. Taken from SH1, which runs down the east side of the range

The road up to the south slopes of Ruapehu (& the 'Gollum fishing stream')
See what I mean about fantastical flora?

Ngnaruhoe from SH1. This volcano was the image for Mt Doom, but the action was actually on Ruapehu, next door

This lot was after I left Rotorua for Ohakune - via Lake Taupo, plus some in Wellington & some of the Interislander to Picton (that's the place with the singing loo!)
I'll try & get the rest of the Touristy pics up before I go to the jungle on the 21st
I had planned to tell you all about my jaunt to Langkawi, but it's now 2020, & I've been here since 7.45.
As I get up at 0715 & it's a 1/2 hr walk home, I'd better go.
Hopefully it's hasta manana?

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