Sunday 31 January 2010

OK - I'm back in civilisation

Briefly. . . .
Went to the rain forest for 7 days & nights, got wet frequently, got nobbled by leeches, got bitten by all sorts of bugs & crawling/flying things, had to sleep under a mosquito net & get all tangled up every time I needed the loo in the night, went in an Iban longhouse, saw a wild Orang utan, took loads of painkillers to help me trek up hill & down dale (latter with frequent help from Amggun), got a cool stick (from previously mentioned Amggun), planted a tree, made a carved sign with a pic of Blackpool Tower on it (to put next to previously mentioned tree), saw bear claw marks on a tree, saw a gi-normous spider (in previously mentioned loo), ate stuff from the forest (but missed out eating a bug as previously mentioned Amggun ate it all), and had a great time.

About to have a last drink with the other 6 volunteers, so going now.
Will blog more - with photos, once back home & I can do it in the Library for free.
Cheers - or Oooo Haaaaaaaaa, as the Iban say

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