Friday 1 January 2010

Paradise found (& photos taken)

Well, technically, it wasn't lost, but it seemed like a neat title!

So Tues Dec 29th saw me up & down to the airport, even though I'd asked for a downtown drop-off.
When I handed in the keys, the guy at the desk said they were too busy to shuttle me back into town, & told me to get the airport bus.
Well, there was a problem.

Having been told they'd run me back to town, I'd left most of my dosh at the digs & had <$5 on me.

And the airport bus was $6. Mmm?
So I hitched.

Eventually, a nice chap stopped & gave me a lift. His name was Matt & his girlfriend is from Southampton. I think he said he worked at another Backpacker hostel. Anyway, he kindly dropped me off near the Post Office, so I went to check out prices for packages home.

At 1 ish, the Dart Stables bus picked a group of us up, & drove us to Glenorchy, which is on the way to Paradise!
No, really. There is a place called Paradise, & they filmed some stuff there.

After all the admin, those of us doing the Ride of the Rings got back into the bus & drove a bit further up the valley where the horses where waiting.
Mine was called Monty, & he could've used some manners!

The guide rode back & forth along the line of nags, giving us a commentary about Paradise & LOR goss.

The trees in Lothlorien where Haldir & his henchmen (should that be hench-elves?) conducted negotiations IRO passage through the golden wood was the 1st bit, & I must say, it was all a bit fairylandish, with the sun dappling through the trees & the birds twittering.

Next was the tree where Aragorn was pinned by a shield, & it was easy to see the film, in my mind's eye & match it to the spot. Unfortunately, Monty wouldn't stand still long enough for me to get a decent shot of the tree, & it was all blurred. However, I was there!

Next we rode up over the Dart estuary & the guide pointed out the final shot of the 2 Towers, the saddle where the Ents brought down the dam, & various bits IRO Orthanc backdrops.
I shall have to compare photos & film when I get home!

Boromir's last stand was next, & the guide said that PJ had wanted real fear in his actors' eyes & had tried to hire an archer to shoot real arrows at them :-0
Apparently the archer refused for health & safety reasons, so PJ learnt to shoot, & did it himself?
Not sure how true this is, but it's a good story.

As the spot where Boromir fell was quite dark, the photo is too, but at least I was there (I'm beginning to sound like Max Boyce!).

The guide also pointed out a few locations for Prince Caspian, & for Wolverine, but I'm not right bothered about those - so no photos.

So that was my trip to Paradise.
Was a tad disappointed the general scenery wasn't as stunning as I'd expected, but I've seen some of the best bits of NZ already, so I can't complain.
This country is truly awesome & extremely photogenic.

Going to end this blog here & attempt to upload some photos in a separate one.
Don't hold your breath, though. This is me we're talking about here - Ms Techno-dinosaur ;-)

So for a few min

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