Monday 18 January 2010


I'm back, but VERY wet
The heavens roared & then emptied the bath all over me on the way down here tonight, so I'm sitting here completely sodden.
Fortunately my bum bag kept the camera, phone & memory sticks dry. Phew!

So - there I am on the ferry north from Georgetown to Langkawi & I had chance to chat with the 'A Team' - as they call themselves. AKA Sal, James & sisters Sam & Virginia.
They're up at Taiping, which only has 3 Orangs, but they've had loads of 'hands-on' experiences apparently.

We docked about midday after a 3.5hr trip. The air-con below was freezing, so I left the others & went up on deck where it was warmer, if a little wet ;-)

James negotiated a taxi & the guy took us to a complex on the beach. Pics of the view from my room coming soon.

We had a bit of nosh & hit the beach/sea.
So now I've added the Andaman Sea to my list of seas/oceans I've swum in!
There were some jelly fish, but not nasty ones.

The chap selling time on the sunbeds, Joe, brought us a freebie can of Carling each. He also brought some Baileys (Eh up, Jen!), but I missed out due to catching up on the zzz's missed the night before.
He told us about a good bar for later, as well.

The sun set over the Andaman Sea & we got ready for dinner, which was great, & only just across the road.
Afterwards we tried to find Joe's bar, but couldn't so ended up in a yellow one. You can't tell in the dark, but it was!

The other 4 were getting into the cocktails, but I was a pooper & went to bed about 1130.

Next morning was sunny - what a surprise!, & I was on the beach soon after breakfast - @ 1030

I opted out of Joe's 10 ringit sunbeds on the soft white sand & lay on the hard stuff instead. It was still white, though. Photo coming!

After lunch the other 4 from Negara Zoo arrived & I went with them for cocktails - how decadent at 2 in the afternoon!
As I didn't want to get ratted, I had a look at some shops & went back to my spot on the hard stuff.
Eventually, I was way too hot, & had another dip in the sea & decided to do a hundred strokes out to sea, & see how many it took to swim back in.
Basically, this is because swimming is quite boring, & it gives me something to think about ;-P
On my way out a jellyfish stung my L butt!, but I survived without treatment.

James & Sal had gone back to Taiping after breakfast, & Virginia had got sunburnt, so it was just Sam who joined the rest of us for dinner.
This was Thai, & I had salad.
It was still hot enough to make my tongue tingle for hours: They like their chilli, the Thai's, don't they?

I'd located Joe's bar during my shopping dawdle, so I led everyone there.
At least, I was the only one who knew where we were going, but I still had the delightful view of Emma & Steph's backsides until we got there.
No change there then!?

I had 2 pina coladas & a house special before leaving to grab some shopping to take home. Langkawi's a duty free resort, so I got myself something, too, plus some fruit for our trip back to the zoo.

Next morning we 5 left by taxi for the ferry, & then took a shorter ferry to Kuala Perlis - more or less straight across east, rather tah south to Georgetown on Penang.
After that it was a coach all the way to KL.
We set off around 1215 & got to KL well after 8. Phew. Good job their coaches are comfier than National Express!

In KL Jon & Emma went to say Hi to some friends, & we 3 mooched for a while & then got a taxi back to the zoo.

Once again, the nice security guys took me back to the LHATZ on a moped.

I was glad to get home.
If I'd known we'd be spending so much time travelling on our days off, I'd've stayed behind & chilled.
While it was nice to see Langkawi, there are just as pretty places in Europe, & some places I saw in NZ knocks it for dead!

Anyway - this & the last post covered Tues to Fri, so I'm nearly up to date.

I'll post this, & upload some photos for you to look at.


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